We wish you a Happy New Year, and we hope 2021 will be better than 2020!
Although Wantage is currently in near lockdown, they say it is always darkest just before dawn! With the hope given by the new vaccines and the spring and summer weather to come we are now busy planning the 2021 Festival.
We cannot yet be sure when it will be safe for our lives to get back to normal so we have to plan to run the Festival in a Covid-secure way. So it will be shorter than usual, with fewer classes to allow adequate social distancing, ventilation and cleaning between classes, but there will still be something for everyone. Watch this space for further information, or like our Facebook page.
We look forward to seeing you in June. In the meantime we can all continue to enjoy music at home, whether singing, playing or listening – there are some great resources online! And if you find anything online that you think others might like, including YouTube or Facebook videos of yourself, why not share it on the Wantage Music Festival Facebook page?