Miscellaneous Classes 2022

The running of all classes, especially group performances, is subject to Covid regulations current at the time.

Find out how to enter here or go direct to online entry.
The full syllabus can be downloaded here.

“N/C”: non-competitive. Entrants will get an adjudication and certificate but no mark or position in class. *“Beginner”: any age, under 2 years experience of the instrument type.

251   Introductory Concerto Class – 18 & under
Own choice of any movement or movements from any accepted/published concerto by any composer for any instrument, including piano. Open only to entrants who have not won a concerto class in a competitive festival with that instrument. Previous winners of this class may enter again with another instrument. An official accompanist may be used to provide the orchestral accompaniment.
Time limit 15 mins. Fee: £24.00

252   Concerto Class – Open
Own choice of any movement or movements from any accepted/ published concerto by any composer for any instrument, including piano. An official accompanist may be used to provide the orchestral accompaniment.
Time limit 15 mins. Fee: £24.00

274   Percussion Class – 18 & under
One or two performers. Any percussion instrument(s). Own choice of one or more pieces.
Time limit 8 mins. Fee: £19.50

275   Percussion Class – Open
One or two performers. Any percussion instrument(s). Own choice of one or more pieces.
Time limit 10 mins. Fee: £22.50

276   Hand Bell Ringing – any age
Own choice of one or more pieces.
Time limit 8 mins. Fee: £21.50

277   Entertainment Class – any age
Own choice of one or more musical numbers. Novelty, presentational skill, the ability to beguile, charm and entertain the audience will determine the outcome.
Time limit 10 mins. Fee: Individual £16.50; Group £16.50+£1 for each extra entrant up to £22.00 maximum

278   Ensemble up to 20 players – 18 & under
Own choice of one piece written, or arranged, for any combination of instruments.
Time limit 8 mins. Fee: £20.50

279   Ensemble up to 20 players – Open
Own choice of one piece written, or arranged, for any combination of instruments.
Time limit 10 mins. Fee: £23.50

280   Chamber Ensemble 3 to 8 players – Open
Own choice of music for any combination of strings, woodwind, guitar, brass, maximum onepianist. One person to a part, not conducted. Ensembles must have a name.
Time limit 12 mins. Fee: £25.50

2022 Platinum Jubilee class.  Any age. Up to fifteen performers. N/C
One or more pieces of music with a royal or patriotic connection. Any combination of instruments or voices.
Time limit 8 mins. Fee: Individual £13.50; Group £13.50+£1 for each extra entrant up to £22.00 maximum