
After having to cancel the 2020 Festival due to the pandemic we were happy to be able to run a Festival in 2021, albeit smaller than usual.  This year we are planning a more normal Festival and bringing back  most of the usual classes including the large ensembles, subject of course to any restrictions that may be in force at the time.

We are still living in uncertain times so need to ensure that we retain sufficient reserves to cover all eventualities and remain in a good position for the future.

We are dependent on donations and sponsorship to enable us to keep our prices affordable. Our costs include venue hire, highly skilled professional adjudicators and official accompanists, insurance, printing and office incidentals, although increasing use of technology in recent years has enabled us to keep administration costs down.

If you would like to help us by donating you can use the button below or the QR code at the top of this page. You can choose one of the values suggested or type in your own amount.

If you or your organisation is willing to sponsor us for a larger amount please contact our Chair.